Sunday, November 8, 2009


At present, environment is hot due to debate on Global Warming and Climate Change. And why not? As the Leaders from the whole world are going to meet in Copenhagen in this December for a full week. Environment pollution, Global Warming and Climate Change are not new subjects for enlightens. Media covering has arisen the awareness in masses also.
To stop the Climate Change catastrophic, we should control Global Warming 2 degree C above the pre-industrial level. It is possible only by reducing carbon emission upto 85% of 2000 level before 2050. But how to achieve this mind boughing reduction? Currently, we are engaged in Eco-Friendly technology & Climate Engineering to achieve the huge task. But is there any other complementary way?
We have two set of countries-Developed Nations & Developing Nations. Average per Capita carbon emission of Developed Nations is 11 tons while the average per capita carbon emission of Developing Nations is 2.5 tons only. One of the reasons of high carbon emission of Developed Nations is High Electricity consumption. The average per capita consumption in Developed Nations is 8000-10000 units per year. Why so high consumption? Only because they are Developed Nations’ citizens or due to maintaining modern lifestyle in the extreme cold conditions of the Developed Nations. Most of the Developed Nations are situated in the frigid region of the Globe. If the Developed Nations are not situated in that region, the modern lifestyle of their citizens can be maintained by just one third electricity consumption of current situation. This leads us to think of the radical solution to the climate change.
More than 80% population of Developed Nations live in cities and cities of the whole world cover just 3% of the total area of land. On above facts, we can consider the migration of more than 50% population of the Developed Nations to the countries of the pleasant climate of the Sub-tropic regions. It is not an easy solution but we can consider many options. Few are the following-
1. Migration of population from North to South e.g. – in USA.
2. Purchasing or taking on lease the land in Sub-tropic regions by Developed Nations like Alaska. These may become financially beneficial to the Developing or Under-Developed Countries.
3. Giving financial benefit to reverse migration of the migrated people from Developing Nations.

I hope & pray for other solutions to succeed to control the Global Warming but in extreme conditions I request the world leaders to consider the above radical solution. By considering it as a complementary solution, they may draw a roadmap in advance. As somebody said, “it may be long way, but if it is only one way, then it is the shortest way.”

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